Cute isn’t she?
She is a Jones Cylinder Shuttle Family sewing machine serial number 73376 probably made around 1895/96; now that’s old. She was made in the Jones factory just outside Manchester in England. Apparently lots of these were made and they are the equivalent of a Singer sewing machine. Although usually found in the UK some have made it over to the US via antique dealers or, in earlier times, when people emigrated to the USA from the UK, taking their sewing machines with them.
I found her in a charity shop in Midsomer Norton in Somerset yesterday and have been busy finding out about her and cleaning her up. She’s called Miss Jones! she sews beautifully. She has a shuttle instead of a bobbin which I haven’t had any experience of before.
Here’s the shuttle.
Miss Jones also came with these little items.
I’ve been advise by helpful folks on Ravelry that most of the ones on the bottom right are hemers; they make nice neat hems of different widths. I think the top thing might be a quilter?? and the thing in the middle of the second row is a braider?? If anyone knows please feel free to share!
I have been busy spinning and knitting as well but more of that later
What a beauty Miss Jones is. I have just bought a half price sewing machine, I don't have a clue how to use it, my Mother doesn't know yet, but I am really hoping she will give me a couple of lessons to get me started. I cannot imagine how you sew with one hand and the other winding!?! It just shows you too, how well made these things were and with TLC they were built to last. Amazing.